
Rates 2024

Season Week 7days Weekend* One day
Year 2024, weeks 2-21 600 eur 300 eur "--"
Year 2024, weeks 22-24 800 eur 400 eur "--"
Year 2024, week 25 900 eur 700 eur "--"
Year 2024, weeks 26-35 800 eur 400 eur "
Year 2024, weeks 36-50 600 eur 300 eur "
Year 2024-2025, weeks 51-1 800 eur 500 eur "--"

*Weekend starts on Friday at 16.00 and ends on Sunday at 16.00. Midsummer day weekend starts on Thursday at 16.00!

The whole week reservation starts on the day of booking at 16.00 and ends the day of departure at 12.00.

Prices include bedclothes and towels for all overnight customers.

The maximum number of bed seats is 8. For extra visitors the price is 20 €/person, which needs to be agreed with Myhinranta owners.

Client is responsible for cleaning the cottage at the end of reservation and during their staying. Cleaning service is also available, when itsprice is 80€ as reserved in advance.

If customer neglects the cleaning the cottage when the reservation period is over, the owner is entitled to recover at least equal to 100€ cleaning fee.

Myhinranta, Myhinkoskentie 230, 77700 Rautalampi, Seppo ja Tarja Tolmunen +358-400-468926 (Finnish) info@myhinranta.com